Video - Resources

Scientific Method - General
Song: Scientific Method
Steps of the Scientific Method
The Scientific Method: Steps, Terms, and Examples

Observatation and Inference
Making Observations and Inferences
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Observations Cheer

Independent and Dependent Variables
Scientific Variables
Independent and Dependent Variables
Song The Variables - Mr. Edmonds
Student Made Song: Independent & Dependent Variables

Creating a Hypothesis
How to Form a Hypothesis
Song - Hypothesis


Elements, Molecules, Compounds

Physical Properties/Changes
1. Melting Point                                                          10. Boiling Point
2. Hardness  & Streak                                                 11. Density , Density Song, & Calculating Den
3. Color                                                                       12. Luster
4. Magnetism                                                              13. Texture
5. Odor                                                                        14. Solubility
6. Malleability                                                             15, Thermal Conductivity
7. Viscosity  & Science Guys: Viscosity of Liquids   16. Electrical Conductivity
8. States of Matter                                                       17. Insulator
9. Ductility                                                                            

Chemical Properties/Reactions (Changes)

Periodic Table

Identifying Unknown Minerals
Moh's Hardness Scale

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