Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Assignments January 22 - January 24th


Tuesday - Observation #8, Intro to Chromebooks, Vocabulary Week #17 Geological Events
Wednesday - Foldable - Plate Boundaries and Geological Events
Thursday - Review Vocabulary, Layers of the Earth, Major Plates, Plate Boundaries, and Geological
                  Model - Plate Boundaries
                  New Madrid Fault
Friday - Quiz Vocabulary Week #17 (minor grade)
              Test - Layers of the Earth, Major Plates,  Plate Boundaries, and Geological Events (major grade)

Social Studies

Tuesday - Middle Ages -Romanian Leader Vlad Dracula attempts to defend his country from the Ottoman                   Turks
                Vocabulary - Middle Ages Ottoman Turks, Vlad Dracula, and Christopher Columbus
                (minor grade)
Wednesday - Middle Ages - Ottoman Empire
Thursday - Middle Ages - Christopher Columbus, Quiz - Vocabulary for the week (minor grade)
Friday - Test - Middle Ages (includes Europe, Asia, and Ottoman Empire) MAJOR GRADE

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