Thursday, January 9, 2014

Assignments January 7 - January 10, 2014


Tuesday -     Observation, Egg-cellent Layers of the Earth Activity, and illustrate vocabulary week
                   (Assign Homework - Models of the Earth - See a more detailed post following...this
                   will be due on Thursday...presentations will be Friday - Minor Grade.)
Wednesday - Foldable - Layers of the Earth, Layers of the Earth sources discussion & graph
Thursday -    Lab - Graphing Motion, Review Vocabulary Week #   . (See Study Stack and
                    journals to study for Friday's quiz and activity).
                    Homework from Monday Due.
Friday -      

  1. Quiz - Vocabulary Week #  - Layers of the Earth (Minor Grade) 
  2. Model of the Layers of the Earth Activity - (Minor Grade - must know these on your own - I want to see what you have learned this week.)  
  3. Homework - Model illustration presentations (Minor Grade).

Social Studies

Tuesday - Middle Ages Vocabulary (Minor Grade), Feudalism & Magna Carta
Wednesday - Middle Ages Mapping the Crusades
Thursday - Middle Ages the History of the Crusades
Friday - Quiz - Vocabulary Middle Ages (Minor Grade)

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