Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Outside Assignments/ Journals/ Corrections

The grading period is coming to a close.  Here are a few reminders:

Outside Assignments - Social Studies 

Please remember to be working on your Outside Assignments if your are in my Social Studies class.  Do not wait until the last minute.  I now have a tab on my home page with a link to the 1st Outside Assignments.  These are due no later than October 1st.

Journals - Science and Social Studies

Please refer to the grading rubric you glued to the inside of your journal to be sure of what is expected when I grade your journal.  Make sure your Table of Contents is updated with dates, full titles that are capitalized, and have page numbers.  Also, another area students sometimes forget is the title on the page the assignment is placed on.  It must also be properly capitalized and include the date.  These will be due on October 1 as well.


If you are failing quizzes or assignments you do have the opportunity to do corrections with possibility of earning no higher than a 70.  Corrections must be done on notebook paper.  It must included the student's first and last name, the date completed, and  the class period.  On the top line write Corrections: (name of the assignment).  Skip a line and begin writing the entire question with the corrected answer.  Corrections will not be accepted unless the entire question is written out.

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