Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Assignments October 27 - October 31


Monday - Density Problem #3, Activity: Properties  of Metals, Vocabulary Week# 10 Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids
Tuesday - 17 Physical Properties (minor grade), Properties of Nonmetals and Metalloids
Wednesday - Demo: Conductivity of Metals and Nonmetals
Thursday - Review for Quiz; Periodic Table Activity
Friday - Quiz Vocabulary Week #10 Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids (minor grade)

Social Studies

Monday - Review: Dark Ages Test, Outside Assignments due Thursday November 6th (see Outside Assignment tab)
Tuesday - Grade Review Sheet and Review for test in class.
Wednesday - Test: Dark Ages (Major Grade)
Thursday - Feudalism Notes, Vocabulary, and Anchor Chart
Friday - Feudalism Project (minor grade)

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