Sunday, April 9, 2017

Resources to Study for this TUESDAY'S Test

1. Foldable Layers of the Earth p.173 in your journal.  (There is a Post Dated  March 7th that has Pictures of every part of the foldable in case you didn't get to finish it.)

2. Anchor Chart: Layers of the Earth p.174 in journal

3. Map: Major Plates p.176 in journal

4. Simulation: Major Plates Practice - (Note: You only have to now 7: North American Plate, South 
    American Plate, Eurasian, African, IndoAustralian, Antarctic, and Pacific Plates)

4. Foldable: Plate Boundaries p. 178 in journal 

                                                                                Iceland as an example of Divergent Plate Boundary                                                                                   (North American Plate & Eurasian Plate)
                                                                                (Pacific & North American Plate) under San        
                                                                                 Andreas Fault
                                                                                (Mississippi River Valley) under New Madrid Fault

5. Activity: Snacktectonics (Notes) p. 180 in journal

6. Vocabulary With Pictures   &   Study Stack: Plate Tectonics  &  Study Stack: Geological Events


7. Foldable: Rocks p.188

8. Rock Vocabulary With Pictures   & Study Stack: Igneous Rocks, Study Stack: Sedimentary Rocks, 

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